UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Website Hosting
The 99.9% network and web server uptime guarantee that we provide is, partly, a result of the power backup setup that we have in each of the three data centers where we provide website hosting packages - in Chicago (USA), in Coventry (UK), and in Sydney (Australia). If you purchase a new account to develop or move your Internet sites, it will be set up on a progressive cloud platform which consists of numerous clusters dealing with your content. Each and every hosting server within the particular cluster offers its own highly effective enterprise-class UPS to keep it working no matter what, until a number of electrical power generators boot up and give the necessary power for the entire center to be working for many hours. You'll not notice anything even in case there is an interruption, due to the fact that our backup units will power all the devices and we won't have to restrict the number of working web servers or the network equipment that addresses the traffic to your sites.
UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
We've taken all measures to avoid any service disruptions caused by a electric power outage, so if you use a semi-dedicated server account for your websites, you shall enjoy a fast and reliable hosting service all of the time. Each and every web server that's part of our custom platform has a separate UPS to keep it operating until a few powerful enterprise-class diesel generators take over to supply the necessary electricity for all of the equipment for so long as necessary. The latter are effective enough to keep everything working at max capacity, so we shall not have to shut down any hosting servers or to use less network devices, which could reduce the loading speed of your Internet sites or affect their performance. This top-notch electric power setup is amongst the reasons for our 99.9% server and network uptime warranty, that is valid for all semi-dedicated packages that we're offering.