When you obtain your own web server, you'll have more independence as to what you could install and run compared to a shared Internet hosting account. With a shared service, you've got access simply to your own account, so you aren't able to install server-side software. While this is not a problem for the majority of script-driven programs, there are several that have specific requirements and need particular software to be present on the machine either for some additional functionality or for them to work at all. If you have practical knowledge, you won't have any troubles to run the machine, but if you don't, you may simply not have the capabilities to manage everything and use the script applications you want. If that's the case, you could use our Installation & Troubleshooting upgrade, and so our system admins can setup everything for you and aid you with any difficulties that you might come across.

Installation and Troubleshooting in Dedicated Servers

The upgrade is available with all of our dedicated servers and as long as you add it, our expert administrators will be able to aid you with everything on your hosting server. This includes setting up any third-party software that you might want to use on the machine and troubleshooting any script that performs badly or does not run at all. Our upgrade includes an hour of work and in case a certain task isn't very time-consuming, we'll add the remaining time to your account. You'll be able to check out how many minutes are left within your billing Control Panel and use them anytime you require help again. The Installation & Troubleshooting upgrade can be ordered at any time, so in case you need something to be set up in the very beginning, you'll be able to add it to your order during the sign up procedure, while if you need help afterwards, you'll be able to add it from the hosting server billing area. Thirty minutes of custom work are supplied with our Managed Services pack too, but if you require additional work to be carried out on the hosting server, the Installation & Troubleshooting upgrade will be a guarantee that your apps will be installed and set up in the very best feasible way.